Unsuitable admin person


New member
The poster known as Seku is unsuitable to be the Admin of the Teen Chat Room.

He made fun of me after I made the most harmless comment in the chat. He PM'd me, saying I was a retard, a catfish and other insults. He got his friends to PM me as well, all making insulting remarks.

Then he blocked me. After that, on an unrelated matter, he was kicked from his own room by a mod on duty!

He should definitely be removed from being the Admin in charge of the Teen Chat Room.
The poster known as Seku is unsuitable to be the Admin of the Teen Chat Room.

He made fun of me after I made the most harmless comment in the chat. He PM'd me, saying I was a retard, a catfish and other insults. He got his friends to PM me as well, all making insulting remarks.

Then he blocked me. After that, on an unrelated matter, he was kicked from his own room by a mod on duty!

He should definitely be removed from being the Admin in charge of the Teen Chat Room.
That’s bullying
Oh this is the guy??

You legitimately made users Uncomfortable by being inappropriate and Making people, Then preceeded into my dms with your Sh*T.

Let me find the screenshots.