New mods.


everyone’s favorite ex mod
Staff member
Teen Chat Mod
I’ve been on teenchat .org for 3 years and not once in my 3 years on this site have i seen chat this full of bots. Normally id just block the bots and move on, But it’s at the point where even if you block 10 of them there is still many many more. I think it’s safe to say org needs new mods. More active, Efficient mods. When i was a mod yes i was immature, No i’m not asking for my spot back on the .org mod team but i’m simply saying yes i yes immature and an idiot but i got stuff done, I kicked who needed kicked and muted who needed muted. When i was able to mod i reported who needed reported. Our mods now are on their vip accounts hanging around chat more then their online modding. None of this is targeted before anyone says anything. I just think we need new mods. I’m not talking about all of the mods only a specific few. And for argument reasons i’m not going to name names.
i posted 3 screen shots below but those are 3 i took over the span of 2 minutes. It’s worse around the night time. 12am/1am-8am-9am EST. I think we need more nightly active mods. I know a few people who would make great mods that are active at late night early morning.
Anyways! Ty for your time.

eh why not make it look professional.



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bonus screen shots


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I somewhat agree however people need to take into consideration that it is summer and nobody really wants to be sitting on their phone. It's like this on other sister sites too having the same problem with people being hired and then them not being active. Of course there are probably some people who would be great but obviously not up to us, and the new-ish mods are getting settled before anything else. As for the other part I don't need to explain myself cuz yes i know it's about me. But I make sure to at least get my 2 hours in daily and my vip is usually when i'm on break from being busy and can't mod at the time or It's not my timezone to mod (like 4am for me). I often alternate between the two if i really have to.
Even more annoying is the endless stream of people selling crap in the chat. With fewer and fewer mods online nowadays the chat is just becoming flooded with these morons selling and very rarely do they kicked. It is now very noticeable how many of the decent chatters are no longer using the site because of all the bots and sellers.
I somewhat agree however people need to take into consideration that it is summer and nobody really wants to be sitting on their phone. It's like this on other sister sites too having the same problem with people being hired and then them not being active. Of course there are probably some people who would be great but obviously not up to us, and the new-ish mods are getting settled before anything else. As for the other part I don't need to explain myself cuz yes i know it's about me. But I make sure to at least get my 2 hours in daily and my vip is usually when i'm on break from being busy and can't mod at the time or It's not my timezone to mod (like 4am for me). I often alternate between the two if i really have to.
You and 0Cas are the only mods I see on sometimes 3va,

I've never seen any other mod on lol..
A lot of it is based off time zones we try to equally have enough on both U. S. And other countries. The spamming of those idiots have gotten worse too and as said it's summer time in which we'll have vacations and what not
I feel like the answer to this is simply having more mods, not to hire replacements for current ones. 11 mods, personally, is not enough for a 300-500 user chatroom. goes to 12 mods at a maximum with 2 admins (Arkham and myself). This means tc org should be able to get 15 mods at the minimum.

One time, kc net was like tc org as it is now during 2020 and 2021, but when I transferred to .net, I was able to be online modding the site every afternoon and evening of everyday. (I have no life) So, it took awhile to find the right team members who have no life. Obviously, not every mod is going to be able to continuously stay on for hours on end. Even some of kc net’s current team is like that, but kc isn’t hugely filled with predators and ew’s on the main chat. I do hope, however, tc org does get saved like kc net did one day, even though it may take years of work.

Kc net aside, if tc org wants any chance in getting better, or eliminating some of these predators and ew’s, I do believe that they must hire a mod or mods who can cover multiple timezones a day. This will not lessen the help of, or devalue the current mods, since they cover their specific timezones, but to have a backup no-life mod or mods to handle things meanwhile, will help significantly.

We all know if predators or ew’s get kicked from tc org, they will move to tc ave or kc net and become Honeycomb’s and my problems. Same goes for if they get kicked on kc net or tc ave and come to tc org, then they become Arkham's problem. Or, they will just bypass the kick or ban and make a new account, in which mods or admins can check the “newest members” list and kick/ban them again. I actively ban daily and I’m online around 15 hours a day. Idk honeycomb’s schedule, but I’m sure she is doing her best to counter ped0s and ew’s on tc ave too. Arkham is also very active too, as I take advantage of when he’s on to report all the ew’s and predator registered users and guests. 3va knows, since I helped her a month ago.

But anyway, more mods are definitely needed. Of course, this is 100% up to Arkham to host applications for this site or not. The hiring process for new mods should prioritize at least one mod who can work multiple and/or flexible timezones, as my point to have the main timezoned mod be backed up with a mod or mods who are very flexible in the times they can mod. This way, there will be at least 2-3 mods online at almost every hour of everyday. But honestly, that’s all one could ask for from this site. (Sorry if this is too long of a read) ;-;
I feel like the answer to this is simply having more mods, not to hire replacements for current ones. 11 mods, personally, is not enough for a 300-500 user chatroom. goes to 12 mods at a maximum with 2 admins (Arkham and myself). This means tc org should be able to get 15 mods at the minimum.

One time, kc net was like tc org as it is now during 2020 and 2021, but when I transferred to .net, I was able to be online modding the site every afternoon and evening of everyday. (I have no life) So, it took awhile to find the right team members who have no life. Obviously, not every mod is going to be able to continuously stay on for hours on end. Even some of kc net’s current team is like that, but kc isn’t hugely filled with predators and ew’s on the main chat. I do hope, however, tc org does get saved like kc net did one day, even though it may take years of work.

Kc net aside, if tc org wants any chance in getting better, or eliminating some of these predators and ew’s, I do believe that they must hire a mod or mods who can cover multiple timezones a day. This will not lessen the help of, or devalue the current mods, since they cover their specific timezones, but to have a backup no-life mod or mods to handle things meanwhile, will help significantly.

We all know if predators or ew’s get kicked from tc org, they will move to tc ave or kc net and become Honeycomb’s and my problems. Same goes for if they get kicked on kc net or tc ave and come to tc org, then they become Arkham's problem. Or, they will just bypass the kick or ban and make a new account, in which mods or admins can check the “newest members” list and kick/ban them again. I actively ban daily and I’m online around 15 hours a day. Idk honeycomb’s schedule, but I’m sure she is doing her best to counter ped0s and ew’s on tc ave too. Arkham is also very active too, as I take advantage of when he’s on to report all the ew’s and predator registered users and guests. 3va knows, since I helped her a month ago.

But anyway, more mods are definitely needed. Of course, this is 100% up to Arkham to host applications for this site or not. The hiring process for new mods should prioritize at least one mod who can work multiple and/or flexible timezones, as my point to have the main timezoned mod be backed up with a mod or mods who are very flexible in the times they can mod. This way, there will be at least 2-3 mods online at almost every hour of everyday. But honestly, that’s all one could ask for from this site. (Sorry if this is too long of a read) ;-;
Agreed <3
I feel like the answer to this is simply having more mods, not to hire replacements for current ones. 11 mods, personally, is not enough for a 300-500 user chatroom. goes to 12 mods at a maximum with 2 admins (Arkham and myself). This means tc org should be able to get 15 mods at the minimum.

One time, kc net was like tc org as it is now during 2020 and 2021, but when I transferred to .net, I was able to be online modding the site every afternoon and evening of everyday. (I have no life) So, it took awhile to find the right team members who have no life. Obviously, not every mod is going to be able to continuously stay on for hours on end. Even some of kc net’s current team is like that, but kc isn’t hugely filled with predators and ew’s on the main chat. I do hope, however, tc org does get saved like kc net did one day, even though it may take years of work.

Kc net aside, if tc org wants any chance in getting better, or eliminating some of these predators and ew’s, I do believe that they must hire a mod or mods who can cover multiple timezones a day. This will not lessen the help of, or devalue the current mods, since they cover their specific timezones, but to have a backup no-life mod or mods to handle things meanwhile, will help significantly.

We all know if predators or ew’s get kicked from tc org, they will move to tc ave or kc net and become Honeycomb’s and my problems. Same goes for if they get kicked on kc net or tc ave and come to tc org, then they become Arkham's problem. Or, they will just bypass the kick or ban and make a new account, in which mods or admins can check the “newest members” list and kick/ban them again. I actively ban daily and I’m online around 15 hours a day. Idk honeycomb’s schedule, but I’m sure she is doing her best to counter ped0s and ew’s on tc ave too. Arkham is also very active too, as I take advantage of when he’s on to report all the ew’s and predator registered users and guests. 3va knows, since I helped her a month ago.

But anyway, more mods are definitely needed. Of course, this is 100% up to Arkham to host applications for this site or not. The hiring process for new mods should prioritize at least one mod who can work multiple and/or flexible timezones, as my point to have the main timezoned mod be backed up with a mod or mods who are very flexible in the times they can mod. This way, there will be at least 2-3 mods online at almost every hour of everyday. But honestly, that’s all one could ask for from this site. (Sorry if this is too long of a read) ;-;
I agree and I know ave especially, honeycomb has applications open a lot for ave, not sure about now but they did have 17 mods at one point a couple weeks ago to try battle these problems however personally I think it was unsuccessful mostly because of the time of year (not making excuses). I do my 2 hour minimum but I'm one of those no life mods lol I'm on at random times even when I'm lurking on my vip account I alternate back to my mod to fix a few issues I see. As for the others I know a couple are away on vacation and the others I can't speak for. A lot of these kos ew's (as lumi says haha) have been especially difficult lately because the second you kick or ghost them they come back 2 secs later (ugh pain in the ass)
I agree and I know ave especially, honeycomb has applications open a lot for ave, not sure about now but they did have 17 mods at one point a couple weeks ago to try battle these problems however personally I think it was unsuccessful mostly because of the time of year (not making excuses). I do my 2 hour minimum but I'm one of those no life mods lol I'm on at random times even when I'm lurking on my vip account I alternate back to my mod to fix a few issues I see. As for the others I know a couple are away on vacation and the others I can't speak for. A lot of these kos ew's (as lumi says haha) have been especially difficult lately because the second you kick or ghost them they come back 2 secs later (ugh pain in the ass)
Yup, honestly the reason why most ped0s prefer the chat avenue network to use, is because chat avenue is one of the first chat sites ever made. Ped0s used to be kids back in the 1990s and early 2000s around when the network first started. Unfortunately, there are some of those “kids” that won’t leave the sites and go off to do their own thing irl. Because of that, and all the newer ped0s from the late 2000s, 2010s, and 2020s, including this network being advertised on dark websites, and the fact chat avenue puts an adult chat on the same site as a kids and teen chat, where and get advertised through their chat avenue sister sites, that’s truly why ped0s exist today.

Onto the concept of why Ew’s exist, they exist because of the ped0 problem on our network, to scam them. But with time, ew’s became more into the idea, and now are doing it for real. I did watch a documentary of a real police officer behind the scenes on baiting child predators rather recently; and the reason that a guy or girl can become a ped0 or an ew is because parent’s sons or daughters have not been raised right, treated well, etc. (I can send the documentary to anyone if you want to see it.) Their parents don’t care how their kids turn out, and therefore, leaving the decision of who their kid turns out to be, 100% up to them. Obviously kids will be curious, so they will choose the online chat route and get coerced, groomed, or be turned into an ew just by watching other people go through the process.

It’s just sad that this is all happening, but the past caused the present, and the present will cause the future. Truly, those who want to make a difference in the outcome in the future will try their hardest in the present to do whatever it takes to keep kids and teens as safe as possible from any and all online predators, and refrain any of them from thinking money is everything. If the parents won’t help their kids, then it’s the mod’s and admin’s job to guide them in the right direction and spread good influences around the chat as well! :>