I accidentally sent a link not meaning too

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"Advertising for rival chat will not get unbanned" seems kinda petty to me. Like I said I never was advertising for them I may have MENTIONED it, I may USE it but doesn't mean I purposely put it in my message. I know who you really are and this it hella petty. I accidentally did something and you're not going to unban me because you're just that petty about it. Thanks for staying professional! Very kind of you!
Advertising for a rival chat will not get unbanned
"Advertising for rival chat will not get unbanned" seems kinda petty to me. Like I said I never was advertising for them I may have MENTIONED it, I may USE it but doesn't mean I purposely put it in my message. I know who you really are and this it hella petty. I accidentally did something and you're not going to unban me because you're just that petty about it. Thanks for staying professional! Very kind of you!
It is written in the rules that even mentioning a rival site will get you banned so what did you expect when you said it's URL in main.
It is written in the rules that even mentioning a rival site will get you banned so what did you expect when you said it's URL in main.
It wasn't in main, and that's actually really lame to ban someone for when y'all only kick people who are selling their body I was in a registered teen chat room with people who were complaining about you guys not doing a good job and they asked of there was any other chat rooms that are safe. Didn't even know that I couldn't just say yeah there is. So that's cool that y'all ban people for something so little yet people who are selling their body or literal cp just get kicked or actually none of that happens at all. Just shows how much none of y'all really care. 😃
It is written in the rules that even mentioning a rival site will get you banned so what did you expect when you said it's URL in main.
Also I use the other chat myself. So I had already had the link for me to log in when I was ready to get on. I also accidentally copied it to the text box thinking I copied something else. I love how this is more of an issue then the fucking porn 😃
Oh, that is absolutely an issue. But when did any of us say it wasn't, personally I have kicked the same seller about 20 times today alone for the maximum amount of time we can kick.

@Arkham I'd say it's best to close this thread here
Oh, that is absolutely an issue. But when did any of us say it wasn't, personally I have kicked the same seller about 20 times today alone for the maximum amount of time we can kick.

@Arkham I'd say it's best to close this thread here
But see that's not an accident and that's constant rule breaking. I did it one by accident and I'm not given a second chance. All you are saying is that my one time offence is as bad as repeat offenders
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