Email not working?


New member
Im a little confused because I'm trying to sign into "" and when it wants to send me the vitrification code is says my email is wrong? I've tried to two emails I have and it"s just not working. My use is "GodessOfchoas" or at least it should be because it had been changed a while ago. Can someone see why this isn't working??? I've tried signing in with my user name and with my email and just nothing is working.
Yeah that username doesn't show up when I try search it. If it was not a vip account and you were inactive for 30 days or more your account would've automatically deleted.
Well that's were I am confused, I was a VIP and I had only been gone for like two weeks for vacation and then it was gone when I came back. I understand it isn't ur fault and I'm not upset I'm just confused and sad because now I've lost my VIP over something that doesn't make sense/
Hm yeah that's strange. You didn't share your account with anyone ? Or trust a "friend" with your password? Or possibly go on any advertised sites and put your details in.
No not at all. I never shared any information with ANYONE. Im begining to see I'm not getting my acc back sadly. thank you for ur help tho.. :)
Did you click any link to visit any site other than .org? There is a site that steals information and uses it to steal VIP accounts, then they change the usernames